Alberton Sports Shooting Club

NPA Police Pistol


The Official Southern Gauteng Sport Shooting Association Website for all ISSF AND NPA/PPC Pistol Shooters

The police pistol disciplines are probably the fastest growing of all handgun-shooting disciplines in South Africa, with Police Pistol being the starting point for the newcomer to the shooting sports. It is the purpose of this article to offer the newcomer or the more experienced shooter some advice to help him, or her, to reach full potential and, thereby, full enjoyment of the sport. To this end I enlisted the help of well known and active shooters in the police and service pistol disciplines, with varying styles of shooting, in an effort to allow the reader to pick the points that suit their physical build and use them for developing their own style I hope this article will encourage those shooters to bring those gun’s out which have been locked up and have not seen the light of day for sometime.


Police Pistol is a very competitive discipline, scores of 298 are now becoming quite common. Remember that there is no malfunction allowance; if the gun goes click instead of bang then you have lost 10 points. No spotting scopes my be used or UIT shooting classes, no orthopedics no target grips or compensators or porting is allowed. Pistols may not load more then six shots per magazine. In the 15m and 10m details remember you must be at 45 degrees when the targets are away.

Well, there you have it; why not give it a try!

Keep an eye out for Police Pistol competitions which are shot at national, provincial, club and postal level, so look for a range near you and join in. But be warned you may find some other forms of shooting rather dull after Police Pistol!

If you are interested and would like to know where this event is shot in your area, contact the following:
Alberton Sports Shooting Club, Mannie De Sousa 082 411 1798