NPA Service Pistol A/B
The Official Southern Gauteng Sport Shooting Association Website for all ISSF AND NPA/PPC Pistol Shooters
Course of Fire
Any pistol calibre 9mm .
No porting or compensators allowed
Any pistol or revolver calibre .354 to .455in .
No porting or compensators allowed.
Any metal sights which may be adjustable ,any colour.
Orthoptics not allowed.
Plastic or wood as issued, whipping or padding is not allowed.
The standard safety must operate.
In the opinion of the range officer the trigger must be safe.
Standing. Both hands may be used to hold or steady the pistol.
Pistol held at waist height pointing up Range parallel to ground.
Two figure 11/59 Charging Man per Competitor.
(24 rounds)
(A) 25 Meters 6 shots on left target in 15 secs
(B) 20 Meters 6 shots 3 on each target in 10 secs.
(C) 15 Meters 6 shots on right target. The target will make three appearances of 3 secs. Two shots to be fired at each appearance, the interval between appearances will vary from 3 to 5 The pistol must be returned to the “ready” position between target exposures.
(D)10 Meters 6 shots, 3 on each target in 6 secs.
There is no allowance for malfunctions